
Dienstag, 20. April 2010

collage und zeichnung / collage and drawing

"falling down" von mano, 15 x 30 cm
"put inside" von mano, 15 x 30 cm
"flying away" von mano, 15 x 30 cm
details "falling down"

alle collagen sind auf handgeschöpftes papier gearbeitet

9 Kommentare:

  1. Oh wow, I love your collages and just popped by to say hello. I shall catch up with your other posts very soon. I will be more normal next week (from 1st May, I hope!)

    Carolyn x

  2. vielen dank -thank you! Ich freue mich immer sehr, wenn euch meine arbeiten gefallen! I'm very happy that you like my work!
    Hi carolyn, good luck for you!
    Have a nice, sunny weekend!

  3. your collages are very intriguing and interesting-- love the lack of color and the mark making-- my very favorites in artwork.

  4. thank you, donna - I am very happy about your comment!

  5. These are very intriguing. I like the mark making and the color palette.


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